The Spring Seed Grant 2024 initiative, in synergy with Patients Associations, is now open. The initiative aims to fund seed research projects through:
5 calls, for 12-month proposals with a maximum budget of 50.000 €, focusing on the following rare genetic diseases:
- COL4A1/A2-related disorders (COL4A)
- Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP)
- Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC)
- Okinawa hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSNO)
- Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia – Kartagener Syndrome (PCD)
and one call, for 18-month proposals with a maximum budget of 70.000 €, focusing on
- Glut1-deficiency syndrome (GLUT1)
For these monothematic calls, Fondazione Telethon established a collaboration agreement with the Patients Associations
These calls will allow generating data and creating new knowledge to pave the road for the development of new therapeutic approaches in the rare genetic disease field.
Investigators - working either in public or private Italian non-profit research Institutions, including the Telethon Institutes - are eligible regardless of their funding status with Fondazione Telethon ETS.
Applicants can apply and submit only one project within the Spring Seed Grant 2024 initiative, as Lead Applicant.
All the documents related to the Spring Seed Grant 2024 calls are listed below and accessible through the links or on the Tetra portal (
- March 22nd, 2024: calls opening
- by April 3rd, 2024 applicants should:
- login or register on the TETRA portal
- insert the title of the project
- fill in the Type of Research section, providing the disease name and code, research type and research step
- April 23rd, 2024, at 11 am: project submission deadline.
Download the call texts here:
Download the other call documents here:
- Guidelines for applicants for the calls COL4A, XP, TSC, HMSNO, PCD
- Guidelines for applicants for the call GLUT1
- Guidelines for Panel Members for the calls COL4A, XP, TSC, HMSNO, PCD
- Guidelines for Panel Members for the call GLUT1
- Application sample form PDF
- Telethon Funds Management Rules Document for the calls COL4A, XP, TSC, HMSNO, PCD
- Telethon Funds Management Rules Document for the call GLUT1
For further information, please contact us at [email protected]