Training the Next Generation of Data Scientists in Biomedical Research
The Department of Medicine & Surgery is pleased to announce the launch of a new II Level Master degree program - METHODS & DATA ANALYSIS (MEDAL) IN BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH.
It is a unique program designed to train students to work in modern medical statistics and data science environment with expertise in study design, statistical and computational approaches and advanced data analysis methodologies in the evolving field of Biomedical Research.
The program offers a structured pathway in 12 months, with a total of 60 ECTS (35 for courses, 20 for stage, 5 for thesis). The program involves a strong partnership with Industry, with some of the leading companies participating as Associate Partners in the program, and with Research Centers.
The program courses will mainly be offered in remote modality and stages will be adapted to the interest of the students.
Deadline for application: February 25th, 2022
Start of the Master program: April 4th, 2022
Tuition fee: 4000 Euro
In order to get a better insight into the program:
Go through our website:
Book an Info Session with the Course Director & Vice-Director: [email protected]
Welcoming a diversity of applicants, our Program is designed to prepare the specialized professionals who will energize the biomedical workforce of tomorrow.